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What We Offer

American Taekwondo Academy offers instruction to a wide variety of individuals.  Please read below further to find out which program best suits you and visit us for more information.  Students usually attend classes at least twice a week.

Joliet Martial Arts Taekwondo
Youth Taekwondo


Our Youth Taekwondo Program is specially designed for younger  students ages 5 through 11.  It encompasses a complete learning curriculum and a process unique to our Academy.


Youth Taekwondo students find that our classes are an exciting place to make new friends, be part of something unique and learn how to grow and adapt to anything that comes their way.


Our dropout rate has been surprisingly low, which is encouraging to parents looking to get their children up and moving and involved in something long-term.  Too many times children become experts at phones, tablets and video games and not much more.


We encompass complete education in Taekwondo, not just learning how to kick and punch.  Our students learn accountability, humility, courtesy, self-respect and control, integrity and discipline.  As part of their program they are also held responsible for performance at school and home. This is just to name a few of the benefits.  Our Youth Taekwondo classes also prepare them for the Adult Taekwondo classes once they reach the appropriate age in order for them to continue their Taekwondo journey.

Joliet Martial Arts Taekwondo
Adult Taekwondo


Our Adult Taekwondo Program caters to all walks of life.  Whether you are 12 years old and gaining skills to become a future adult or 75 years old practicing to maintain fitness and flexibility, our classes are the perfect place to reach your goals, whatever they may be.


Our Adult Taekwondo Program begins around the age of 12 and students can also be found into their 70's as well. Young or old, male or female and all walks of life can learn together, practice together and improve together!


For decades, we have strived for our students to feel like family, sharing their learning and working together towards self-excellence.  No-one at any time feels out of place, insufficient or superior to another. We promote unity and camaraderie. We also train the character of our adults, ensuring that they meet the five important Tenets of Taekwondo.


As with all our programs, one of the major goals of Taekwondo is to unite the mind, body and spirit together to receive maximum potential. Our philosophy is that without this unity true excellence cannot be reached.

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Our Hapkido program is offered to students ages 8 and up. Hapkido can be defined as “the art of joining energy together”.


This program is Grandmaster Tae Hyung Kim's base curriculum and has been around since 1994. It is designed as an introduction and a great foundation for future Hapkido practice. It is practiced by many of our affiliate schools and locations. Members also enjoy seminars held twice a year.


To name just some, classes are comprised of breathing exercises, falling techniques, resistance and motion drills, grappling, trapping and wrist drills and many, many self-defense techniques. Classes are encouraged as a way for students to enhance and supplement their skills .


Please note that some of the self-defense techniques are not taught to students under the age of 12 due to safety concerns.

Joliet Martial Arts Taekwondo
General Taekwondo


The structure of this class is designed to allow students of all ages to train together. Whether its a parent and child, or students in other programs who otherwise wouldn't see each other, this class can offer benefits.

General Taekwondo classes are divided into two levels by belt rank.


The General Taekwondo Program at ATA is a great class for families and friends to attend together. Whether it’s a father and daughter, mother and son or a group of friends, all can enjoy learning together and establish strong bonds with one another.


Another benefit of the General Taekwondo class is if a student would like to pick up an additional or missed class aside from their regular program. Many of our students attend one of the classes in their age group along with this class on a regular basis. Many students find benefit of learning with other students that are outside of their age group as well.

Open Gym


  • Open Gym is not a formal class.

  • There is no bow-in.

  • Students can arrive and leave anytime during the Open Gym times.

  • Instructors are there to answer any questions students might have.

  • Students should wear their uniform to Open Gym.

  • Open Gym is for any student, regardless of program or age.

  • Open Gym is a good opportunity to get in extra practice.

  • Open Gym is NOT a time for play.

  • Students will be expected to practice while they are on the mats.

  • Students are encouraged to attend if they need extra practice in any of their requirements.

Lil'Dragons Taekwondo


Lil’Dragons Taekwondo is a special program designed to prepare our youngest students, ages 3-5, to graduate into our Youth Taekwondo program.


Since their attention spans are very short, we administer instruction when an opportunity presents itself. Along with some basic exercise, fun and games, basic Taekwondo is taught.


Students in this program learn how to be in a class setting, some basic commands as well as fundamentals. Each student's learning is catered to their individual ability and may differ from one student to the next.


Each student graduates from the Lil’Dragons at their own progress, not at a specific belt level or age.

Promotion Exams

Generally, the curriculum at American Taekwondo Academy is administered by age.  Most of the time our students fall into either of two categories.


The first are students enrolled in the Youth Taekwondo Program and and are given slightly more frequent belt promotional examinations.  We have found in the past that its difficult for our younger students to have patience and wait several months before seeing a new belt tied around their waist.  Therefore, we offer an interim testing between ranks indicated by a white stripe down the center of each rank.  This motivates our younger students to set and strive for smaller goals along the way with less chance of becoming discouraged.


Of course, for our adults, we make them wait longer to earn their belts.  We offer promotional examinations for each rank every several months and encourage them to practice hard, sweat a lot and hopefully even shed a small tear.  Down the line they enjoy the complete satisfaction, reward and payoff for long hard work, one of the primary goals of Taekwondo training.

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